Home Sweet Home

Well, we’ve been home over a week now and we’re getting settled in with Flo.  Everything is going great!

Flo looking into the kitchen

Flo looking into the kitchen

Flo has settled in like a pro and seems to enjoy her new home.  We’re still in the process of training.  The obedience training is dead on but we’re still working on seizure alerts.  Flo runs after Jordan when she has a seizure but we’re still working on her barking to alert us of the seizure in case we’re not close enough to hear Jordan.  It will take some time as Flo isn’t allowed to bark unless Jordan has a seizure so I’m sure it’s a little confusing.

Flo sleeps well with Jordan in her bed.  However I’m worried that Jordan will hurt Flo as she is up and down all night and falls a lot.  Flo seems to watch her pretty close though so hopefully it won’t be an issue.

Each day we practice different commands such as heel, sit, down, place, and of course high fives and shake.  During seizure practice we have Courtney, my oldest, and Chloe Beth, my youngest, to mimic Jordan’s seizure activities and get Flo to bark during them.  Like I said earlier this will take some time.


Jordan just after a seizure

We haven’t been anywhere public other than church with Flo as of yet.  She does great at church.  Ann puts her in a down command and she just lays there until the end.  My preaching seems to help her as well because she sleeps a lot 🙂

We took Flo to the vet at Knox County Veterinary services in Barbourville so they could meet Flo and Flo could meet the doctors.  She seemed to really like them and Dr. Tammy really seemed to like Flo.  I highly recommend them to people all the time as they have a heart for people’s fur babies.


Dr Tammy Smith Knox County Veterinary Service

It won’t be long until we incorporate her into the school system.  We wanted to get her used to us and the house and feel comfortable with us before sending her to school with Jordan.  I believe she’s pretty much ready to go with her but I need to contact her teachers and make sure they’re ready.  I’ll have to do some basic training with them but Flo will simply be in a down most of the day.  I’m thankful we have teachers that are excited for Flo being part of the class room.  I’ve read many Facebook status’ and blogs where other families have had a terrible time with the school system allowing the dog to come.  The law gives them a right to attend with the child but they make it very difficult on the family.  One family that was in our October class is having to come and take their dog out to potty a couple of times per day during school hours.  That is ridiculous I think.  I’m just thankful our little community wants to help and is supportive.

I’m in the process of getting some information together for the newspaper to update the community on Flo and thank them for all the support during this journey to get her dog.  There was so many who helped and there is no way I could thank them individually.  Some gave $10.00 and some gave $1000.00, and every gift was a true blessing.

All in all, things are going great.  I will post more in the future as things change to keep you updated.

May God bless you this Thanksgiving and Christmas season!


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4 Paws Training Last Day!!

It was a very busy and hectic last day full of emotions, wet eyes and hard goodbyes.

We began by having an assigned time to meet at the mall for our public access test.  Ours was 11:30am.  Ann and I decided to let me do the test with Flo as the child doesn’t have to be present.  I dropped Ann and the kids off at Half Price Books close to the mall and went over to the mall.

We began the test by doing some basic things we learned in class.  I had to hand Flo over to a stranger to simulate having to give her to someone in case of emergency in real life.  Then we had to do the food test.  They place “people food” on the floor and I had to walk Flo past it twice and then put her into a down position right next to the food.  She did great!

Next we had to sit at the food court while the dogs were in an under while at the table.  She did great again!

Then Flo and I were off to walk around the mall for about 20 minutes pretending to shop while two trainers followed us around.  We had to do some things for them to watch such as sitting several times, going to a down position, dropping the leash “accidently” and picking it back up while heeling, placing Flo, walking away about 6 feet and calling her by my side.  She did great and I was proud of her.

Everything went as smooth as it could have.  My biggest fear was that she would pee or poop in the floor.  I got to the mall early so she could relieve herself but she didn’t go!  I was on pins and needles the whole time of the test because that is an automatic failure if she did have an accident.

After the test we went back to the training center to fill out our paperwork, sign contracts and get Flo’s service dog ID badge.  Once that was over it was time to graduate.  Each family was able to talk about their experience and thank everyone involved that worked at 4-Paws, trained or fostered our new family members.

This was very emotional because each family felt the same in regards to having our children there and everyone understood the nature of having a special needs child.  There were no judgments and no funny looks when your child screams out or does something that the common world would say is not “normal.”

I could feel the heart of each parent there as they cried and poured out their hearts to each other.  It’s very difficult going anywhere without stares, whispers and the occasional rudeness of an idiot.  But here we there we all understood and we could let our guard down and relax.

The first day there I stated to the class that God doesn’t make junk and he places special children with special parents.  God always gives grace, mercy and patience that we need as parents of special needs children and how true it is when the bible says that He won’t put anything on us we can’t handle.  You could feel the love these parents had to their special angels and their family.  Many had to leave other children at home and I know that was hard on them as well.

Jeremy, the head trainer made a statement about the lengths parents will go through to help our kids and he sees it over and over.  Fundraising huge amounts of money, waiting a year or so for placements, leaving home, taking off work and sometimes leaving siblings behind to bring their special child to training for two weeks.  I agree with him, there’s nothing a good parent won’t endure for a child.

I’m sure there are some who heard of our fundraising and probably said something ignorant about raising so much money for a dog, but I wonder what lengths they would go for their child?  Some will spend a fortune on clothes, cars, sports or anything else that would popularize their child without blinking an eye.  In Jordan’s case, she doesn’t watch television, play, or even have friends.  She will never drive, pick out clothing, go to prom, get married or have children so if our family, with the help of friends, can get her a furry friend that could actually help save her life, would I do it again?  Absolutely.

After getting Jordan and Flo’s graduation certificate we had some cake and said our goodbyes.  This was hard for sure but I think everyone was ready to get home.

Our trip should have been about 3 and a half to 4 hours to get home but we hit gridlock north of Cincinnati and we got home in around 6 hours.

After getting home Flo seemed to be just fine.  Her tail was wagging, ate good and slept all night.  It’s going to be fun having another family member and we’re looking forward to having many years with her.  Welcome home Flo!

Until next time


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4 Paws Training Day 11

Well.  We are almost finished.  Today was the last day of training and it went by quick just like the past several before it.  It began for us at the training center.  Jeremy, the head trainer, went over last day information such as the ride home.  Some folks will be flying home and he went over what to expect at the airport, how to place your service dog while on the plane and good information such as not letting them eat or drink much while on the ride home.  There are people from all over.  There are those from Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, California, Pennsylvania, Michigan and others I can’t seem to remember right now.

Then he gave information to those of us who will be driving home.  He went over things such as seat belts for the dog if we decided to use them, then he mentioned how often to stop for potty breaks and so on.

After the travel talk, he mentioned things to expect when we get home.  He spent a lot of time speaking of other animals at the home and how to introduce them.  We don’t have any other animals so we’re good there.  We need to introduce Flo to the house letting her smell around and getting to know all the rooms and then do the same in the yard.

It’s very important for us to continue her training at home.  She is still very young and needs to be reminded about her obedience, seizure and tracking training until it becomes second nature.

After the travel and going home information, he spoke of how to incorporate the dog at school.  We won’t be directly sending the dog to Jordan’s school but will be eventually.  We have to train a handler at the school such as one of the teachers or aids in her class.  They will be taking her out to use the bathroom and making sure she’s under control at all times.  Most of the time she will be in her place on a mat.  She will lay there until she is “freed” or released.

We then talked about tomorrow.  It’s test day!  We will be going to the mall at different times and take our public access test.  One of the trainers will be following us around to make sure we can handle the dogs with what we’ve learned over the past two weeks.  We’ll be going shopping, walking the mall, eating at the food court and other things we may find ourselves doing in real life.

I feel pretty confident in Flo.  She is a very smart dog and obeys our commands great!  The trainer Brit has done a tremendous job training her over the last several months and I’m sure we’ll do great tomorrow.

After today’s activities we had a birthday party for my youngest daughter’s 6th birthday at the hotel conference room.  Most of the class kids were able to attend and we had cake and ice cream.  Chloe was so happy they were able to join her for her birthday.  I want to thank everyone who came!

We will be having another party once we get home and settled in for our friends and family.

I’ve decided to drive home tomorrow after the test and graduation ceremony so I better wrap this up and try to get some sleep.

God bless everyone and have a great night!

Until next time,


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4 Paws Training Day 10

Another day has come and gone.  Everything has been going really good with Flo.  I believe she is getting more used to us.  She sleeps in Jordan’s bed with no issues even though Jordan is up and down in the bed all night.  Flo doesn’t care, she just lays there.  We have to continue to work on the seizure alerting more as Jordan has had a couple seizures while in the bed and when she doesn’t make the sound Flo doesn’t wake up.  This will take more time and practice at home until the scent Jordan releases, and her movements, during a seizure is predominant enough to wake Flo.

During training at the center we went over the basics again, but we learned a new trick….  Flo can “play dead” when shot with a finger or “using the force” like from Star Wars.  It’s awesome…  We also practiced more tracking today, this is my favorite part.  It’s kind of like rabbit hunting but with Jordan lol… jk  Then we went to the mall and worked on obedience again.  Flo did really good until we came to a couple of wig mannequins heads.  This freaked her out.  I guess if you think about it here is a dog that’s been around humans her whole life and then she walks up to a couple of heads!  After a few special treats and me touching them she got used to them and did Ok….but it was still funny

After the mall today we went to visit Ann’s college roommate and best friend Angie from Delaware Ohio.  They played in the band together at Cumberland College in Williamsburg Ky (University of the Cumberlands)  They had a great time catching up.

We have two more days and we’re finished!  I can’t believe how fast these two weeks have gone by!  We have learned so much and have much more to learn and practice while at home.

Tomorrow (Thursday) is Chloe Beth’s 6th birthday and we’re going to have a small party with the classmates.  Our hotel has a conference room they rent out for $150.00 but said since we’re with 4-Paws for Ability they would let us use it for her party for free!  I said cool, I can afford free!!  We’re just going to have some cake and ice cream and celebrate a princess’ birthday..  When we get home we will have another party for her with friends and family so she’s super excited.

We sure are missing home.  I’ve not seen a mountain in two weeks lol….I really miss our church family and can’t wait until I get behind my pulpit Sunday.  Keep praying for us that we may continue to retain the information we’ve received, for safety while here and travel mercy on the road Friday.

On a completely different note, I know I have many people who can and will pray for a request.  There is a girl in our class who has a seizure disorder who had to go to the hospital.  She’s in ICU as I type this.  Please pray for her and her family as I’m sure they’re scared being away from home.  They are from California and I’m sure it’s even harder being so far away from family and friends.

Until next time,


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4 Paws Training Day 9

Let’s see, today is um….Thurtomorrday?  I don’t know anymore.  The days are running into each other and I’m in information overload.  I had no idea there would be so much involved in service dog training but I have to say that 4-Paws for Ability has it down to an art.

Today we practiced the stand command.  This command basically tells the dog to stand where they’re at when stopping from heeling or getting up from setting or in a down position.  We also learned about the command “over”.  This command has the dog lay over the lap of the child.  This helps in many different ways depending on the child.  Some children need deep pressure to calm them down or give them some comfort and peace.  Others just enjoy the companionship of the dog laying on them so they can pet them.  It can also be a behavior distraction during sensory overload.  Did I say how cool these dogs are!

We went tracking again today and of course Flo did great.  This is probably the farthest we’ve tracked so far.  Everyone did great!  Even me!  My heart rate did good and I haven’t passed out yet during the runs, which is awesome!

For those who don’t know, I have SVT with a history of Ventricular Tachycardia.  My heart rate gets really fast, over 200 at times, then slows way down and causes me to keel over.  The Ventricular Tachycardia “V-tach” can be dangerous and sometimes cause sudden death and to say the least it’s very scary.

It makes you think of death for sure.  I’m not worried because I’ve got a peace that passes all earthly understanding.  This peace only comes from God through His Son Jesus Christ.  I know there is life after death.  Eternal life in heaven that only comes from Jesus Christ and Him alone.

With so much turmoil this life brings.  All the sickness, pain, suffering and tribulations we can have true peace through Jesus and I thank him for it.

Tomorrow we will be going back to the mall for the last time before our final test on Friday.  The test consists in us doing a public access run through in the mall.  The trainers will be following us one on one watching for us to use the obedience commands when needed, heeling and basic “service dog manners” while in public.

It’s been a long day so my family and I are going to rest and watch Maleficent.

Until next time,


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4 Paws Training Day 8

Another long day.  Half of us started in the training center while the other half went to the park for tracking practice.  Our class was in the center practicing heeling.  We practiced heeling with a shopping cart so we can get used to the dog walking in the proper spot around the cart while shopping.  This works the same way for Jordan’s stroller/chair.  We also did more practicing with “place”.  Again, when we command Flo to her place, she goes to a particular spot and lies down.  She will continue there until “freed”.  This will be good for Jordan’s school and at church services.  We train with many distractions as well.

Heeling with shopping cart

Heeling with shopping cart

When the dog is in place we will throw tennis balls around them, drop treats close to them and have kids play around them.  While doing this the dog is to stay there and not be distracted.  Flo is a champ in this.  She doesn’t care what’s going on around here while in place.

After class we went on the park again to do some more search/tracking training.  Flo once again found her girl!  We had Courtney help Jordan “run” away and hid in a bush about 100 yards away.  I told Flo to “find her girl”, which is the command for this, and she took off like a bolt of lightning.  This is awesome!  Jordan isn’t to prone to running away but other kids are and have before.  This is a very helpful tool to have just in case the unthinkable should happen and she gets out of the house.

After lunch we went to the mall.  Again, this is the hard part for me.  Flo does great but it just feels weird to take a dog into stores lol….You’ll get a few funny looks but most people want to talk to the dog and pet it, which is okay by the way.  One mother brought her little boy up to Flo and he started petting her.  I put Flo into a sit command and let the little boy shake hands and give 5.  He loved it.  Not only is this used for fun with the dog, it also helps with socializing the children as well.  For handicapped children it’s hard to make friends and have something to talk about.  This gives the children a way to be cool or having something of their own to show off.  This isn’t the case for Jordan but there are many kids in class that can use this tool and it’s awesome.

While in the mall we trained heeling beside Jordan’s chair.  Flo does like to pull a little and we have to correct her and make her heel in the proper place but this to will come with time.  We also did a tracking session in Sears.  Ann would walk Jordan away from myself, Flo and the trainer and go hide somewhere.  We give the command to “find your girl” and again she was off like lightning.  She sniffed around and found her on three different missions!

All in all everything is going great but I’m sure it’s going to be a different life for us when we get home.  It’s still going to feel a little funny taking a dog everywhere we go with Jordan but it will be worth the funny looks and stares.

This reminds me of being a Christian.  If someone is truly a born again Christian they are different.  The bible states that once we are saved, or in Christ Jesus, we are brand new creatures, or creations.  Old things have passed away and behold all things are become new.  This means that we are changed.  If there isn’t a change in someone’s life when they get saved, they’re probably not truly saved at all.  They just had an emotional religious experience in a time in their life.

But those who are born again there is a change and they are different.  The bible teaches that we’re strangers in a foreign land as Christians.  When we go places we should stand out.  When we talk we should be showing the love of God.  Our actions should be speaking louder than our words in the way we live our lives.  The bible also says in Matthew chapter 5 to “let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven.

This is part of my testimony.  When I was young I went to a Bible School at a local church.  I went up to the alter when some of my friends did and the next thing I know I was scheduled to be baptized.  The problem was I didn’t get saved.  I went through a bunch of religious functions but I didn’t change.  It wasn’t until years later when at a church meeting I felt the Holy Spirit of God convicting me.  I didn’t hear an audible voice or anything like that but I knew within my soul something wasn’t right.  After talking with the Pastor I gave my life to Jesus.  Something changed in me.  I thirsted for God’s Word; I was hungry for anything God could give me.  I treated my wife better; I was able to love my children properly.  There was a change in me that I can’t explain and I haven’t looked back.  I wouldn’t trade my life with God for anything this old world could offer me.  He’s been so good to me and my family and has helped us more than I can tell in this blog.

You see, before I just knew about Jesus but now I know Him personally.  I have a relationship with Him.  I used to be a huge Chuck Norris fan.  One time I was able to meet him in person and it was awesome!  Before I just knew about him but once I met him I could actually say I knew him and be truthful by saying it.  Most people know about Jesus but have never truly met Him personally.

If I can help you get to know Jesus personally I would be most honored to do so.  Give me a call, email, Facebook msg or come see me and I’ll do whatever I can and take as long as needed to help you understand and know this precious Savior named Jesus.

Until next time…..


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4 Paws Training Day 7

Had a great day today.  We began again in the training center at 4 paws.  By the way, I don’t think I mentioned it earlier but 4-paws is expanding.  We started off using a facility off site because of construction at the 4-paws training center but now we’re back there finishing up our training.  The blueprints of the new facility look great.  I wish we were able to be in class at the new place but it’s awesome either way.  You can see the blueprints on their website here:  http://4pawsforability.org/

During training class this morning we talked more about seizure alert.  The trainer showed us how to practice training Flo to alert us to Jordan’s seizures.  We provided video for the trainers about a year ago of Jordan having a seizure so the trainers could mock it and get Jordan familiar with Jordan’s actions when she seizes.  He wants us to mimic Jordan with her actions and sounds and give Flo her favorite treat which is BilJack.  This stuff is like Doggy Crack!!  She loves it!…Anyway, I can’t make the high pitch squeal Jordan makes but Courtney can mimic it perfectly.  She has heard Jordan do this several times a day since she was born.

We have Courtney do the motions and sounds and when Flo gets excited we have her bark and then give her the crack….I mean treat…. 🙂

This is something else we do over and over.  Over time Flo will hear Jordan do this and she will smell the seizure smell and bark to get her treat.  She’s doing this as a fun game but on our end we’re getting alerted to Jordan’s seizures.  We usually are around when she seizes but there are times when we’re not in the same room, especially at night.

We also did more tracking training today.   Ann took Jordan through a field, around a bend and just into the woods about 100 yards altogether.  It was my turn to lead the dog in tracking, and Flo once again performed like a champ finding her girl.  We must do this over and over again just in case we would actually have to use this.  Of course we pray we never have to but you just never know with a special needs child.

After tracking and lunch we headed back to the training center to go over some basic things such as health of the dog, grooming, proper toys etc…  It was a knowledge filled day but it was really fun.  Ann had to stay at the hotel with Jordan today because her allergies really flare up at the 4-paws facility due to all the animals that are there.

You can watch some videos I’ve uploaded to Jordan’s facebook page that has Courtney mimicking Jordan’s seizures, tracking and tethering here:  https://www.facebook.com/jordansdog

Tomorrow we will be going back to the mall to do some tracking training while in the mall.  This will be helpful if Jordan ever gets lost in a store.  This should be interesting.

We didn’t get to go to church this morning but was able to watch my church service online this evening.  I had a Gideon speaker, Bobby Mills, speak this morning about his Gideon ministry and had a young preacher in our church preach for me tonight.  I got to watch him and he did a great job speaking about how God can break the chains in your life.

Our church is a small country church in southeast Kentucky and I love it!  We’re like a tight family.  If you would like to watch any of our services just go to www.oldtimebaptistchurch.com and click on “Watch Online”.  You can watch our live services on Sundays at 11am and 6pm.  Or you can watch past broadcasts we’ve recorded to our site.  I can’t promise that our recordings are as good as the ones on television but I can promise that you’ll hear the Word of God that doesn’t compromise the Gospel.

Also, if you could, please pray for a class member.  She found out today that her cousin was hit by a bus and is in ICU.  God knows the details and who she is.

Until next time,


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4 Paws Training Day 6

Day 6 was a success.  This morning we went over some commands again before going to the tracking session.  While tracking the first few times Jordan was with the trainer Lindsey and Flo tracked them both.  Lindsey trained Flo in tracking from the beginning.  Flo knows Lindsey and is good at finding her so we have to get Flo used to Jordan’s scent for tracking.  Today Ann and Jordan hid in the trees and Flo acted like a champ again!  She went to her in no time.  Apparently we leave scent trails when we walk by dropping skin cells.  Once we establish Jordan’s scent with Flo she’ll be able to track her while she’s by herself.  This will take some more practice.  Once you leave a trail behind you with the skin cells, the dog zig zags back and forth going from hot to cold.  It’s hard to explain but amazing to watch.  Golden retrievers are bred to do this and their amazing at it.  I’ll try to do more videos of it and post it to Jordan’s facebook page.

After lunch we went to the training center at 4-paws.  We learned how to place our dogs under a table when out to eat at a restaurant.  We use the command “under” and the dog goes under the table, turns and goes into a “down” and lays there until commanded to leave.  The obedience of these dogs is amazing.

Under Command

Under Command

We also learned about tethering.  For children with disabilities this can be very helpful.  While holding your leash, you can use a bungee type lease to clip to the dogs harness and to the child.  This helps the child walk without assistance while using balance on the dog.  Also it’s helpful in such cases as paying for groceries at the grocery store.  You can put the dog in a down command and it WILL NOT move until commanded.  If the child tends to dart away or wander off he/she can’t while tethered to the dog.  This is something else awesome to watch as well.



Something else that’s great about this trip.  We met another family who’s daughter, Ella, has LGS, the same diagnosis as Jordan.  This is cool because it’s such a rare disorder.  Not only that but she’s on the same ketogenic diet that Jordan was on for so long.  She’s the sweetest little girl.  She wanted to give me a big hug last night at the Trunk or Treat and she has the prettiest smile that will melt your heart.  It was a blessing to set and talk with her parents that understands the life that LGS brings.  They’re from Michigan and their dog is named Obie from the Star Wars litter.

Ella's family

Ella’s family

All these kids are awesome and are truly a blessing from God.  I’m honored to get to know each of the families that are in our class and we’re looking forward to lifelong friendships that will come from it.

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4 Paws Training Day 5

Day 5 has been a hectic one.  We began back in the training room asking questions and going over much of what we’ve learned.  We also received Flo’s service vest.  This is a red vest that has the 4 paws logo and a patch that allows people to know she’s a service dog.

After the training session we headed back to the park for some more tracking.  We hid Jordan even farther away and Flo worked like a champ to find her successfully!  Even in the rain!

After we left there and had lunch we headed to the mall.  This is the first time we’ve been out in public with Flo.  We had to walk all over the mall and I must say I was a little nervous.  There were many things going through my mind such as if people were staring at us even more than usual.  Or is Flo going to poop in the floor?

But all in all we all did great.  The only thing that Flo didn’t like was when we entered the pet store.  There were dogs and cats making noise and I’m sure the smell wasn’t helping either.  We’ll just have to practice more to get her used to it.  I keep having to remind myself that she’s only 11 months old.

Something else awesome happened today.  Some students from Wright University helped us with a Trunk-Or-Treat in the lobby of the Hotel we’re staying at.  All the kids from class and their siblings enjoyed dressing up in their favorite costumes and received toys and candy.  The kiddos seemed to enjoy it very much.

It has been a busy day but we’ve had a lot of fun!  I’m going to cut it short tonight as I’m getting tired and tend to missspelll things lol….


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4 Paws training day 4

Day number 4!  Where has this week gone?  Today was a busy day.  The class was split into two and half stayed at the training center and the other went to the Rotary Park for tracking practice.  We were in the classroom for the first part and went over all our commands we had learned thus far.  After going over the commands with trainers Brit and Shelby we then headed to the park for our search/tracking training.

This training is important because if Jordan happens to get away from us, God forbid, and walks/runs away Flo will be able to track her down.  We will be practicing this training a lot.  Today Flo was a champ!  She found Jordan, Ann and the trainer hiding in the woods all from her scent.

Here is a video of the tracking on Jordan’s Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10152898559694739&pnref=story

Once we all got back in class we learned “Lap” which simply is a command for Flo to lay in Jordan’s lap.  Jordan is a pretty laid back girl and really doesn’t need much nurturing from her dog but for the children with autism this can be wonderful!  This is a behavior disruption process that helps when a child may have a “meltdown”.  I don’t know much about autism but children who have it sometimes have a sensory overload and can have behavior problems.  They may lay down and “throw a fit” if I may speak country to describe it.  Or the child may do other things that may be harmful or embarrassing.  When this happens the dog will receive the command for “lap” and it will lie on the child to disrupt the behavior.  I’m sure this is a wonderful tool for the parent of a child with autism.

Tomorrow we will be going to the mall with our dogs.  We are going to practice some real life service dog activities!  Stay tuned!!

By the way, I was thinking about the tracking.  Jordan was lost be she was found by her dog who loves her very much.  This reminds me of Jesus.  Before I was saved by God’s grace I was lost.  Just like the song says “ I was blind, but know I see”, I didn’t see the big picture.  I was a lost soul headed for hell.  Not because I was a bad person, but because Adams, the first man, sinned his sin debt was passed to all humanity.  From my grandparents, to my parents to me.  I was born with that sin cursed bloodline that I can’t do anything about.  But the good news is that when Jesus was born, He was born of a virgin.  Man had nothing to do with it and it shut off the curse that was passed down through the generations.  The bible states in John chapter 3 verse 16 that God loved this world so much that He sent His only Son (Jesus) and that whosoever will believe in Him they would be saved.  Saved from what?  That sin curse.  The bible says that Jesus came to seek and to save those who are lost.  Just like Flo did with Jordan.  God loves us so much He sent the best that heaven had to offer.

I tell a story sometimes explaining this:

Imagine a farmer.  He looks out his window and sees a tornado coming toward his farm.  He looks down and sees his chickens out in the barnyard.  He says to himself “if those chickens don’t get into the barn they’ll be destroyed!”  So he decides to get a lantern and go into the barnyard to herd them into the barn.  With his big hat, coat and lantern in hand he yells and waives his arms around and this freaks the chickens out and that scatter even more.

The farmer was too big and scary and the chickens didn’t understand him.  They didn’t understand he was trying to save them from the wrath that was to come.

The farmer says to himself, “I’m just scaring these chickens.  I wish they understand that I love them and want what’s best for them.  If I could only become a chicken myself to tell them……….”

You see, that is exactly what God did.  God is so big, so misunderstood and sometimes so scary that we don’t understand Him.  That is why Jesus came.  Jesus is God incarnate.  He is God in the flesh.  He became a man to warn us of the wrath to come.  To get on our level if you will.

If you don’t believe, why not try Him?  Why not seek and find a fulfilling life?  I’m not talking about religion as religion will send you to hell.  I’m talking about a personal relation with Jesus.

Will this relationship make life perfect?  No.  But Jesus promises life everlasting in heaven after this one.  He promises that He’ll be there with you through all the turmoil, stress, tribulation and strife you have to endure while here.  He promises peace in your heart.  These things are worth the Christ filled life.

Personally I couldn’t make it without Him with all the stresses of my life and I’m sure I’m not much different than most people.  We all go through problems of different categories but I wouldn’t have my life with Christ for any other life that could be offered.

If I can help you understand this better or help in any way please send me an email to pastorshane@oldtimebaptistchurch.com

Until next time


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