Monthly Archives: October 2013

A friend for Jordan

Hello everyone!

As many of you are aware, Ann and I have a special needs daughter.  I had posted about her a while back about her condition.  Anyway, we are beginning a new journey with her and we are excited about it.

We have been approved to receive, and have special training, for a service dog!

We are going through a company called 4 Paws for Ability which does extensive training with service dogs for handicapped children and veterans.  This company is known for their seizure alert dogs which has great success of training dogs to detect seizures before they happen!!  It will also be trained to help her walk, help when she falls and most importantly simply being a companion.  We are excited about the future!

This will be a trained service dog with federal rights with the Americans for disability act and will be able to go anywhere Jordan goes.

The sad part is we have to raise some money.  A lot of money.  I’m talking $13,000.00!!

Paws for ability is getting us started with fundraising to raise the money.  Once we raise the finances they will pick a dog specifically for Jordan and train it for a year for her needs.  Once trained our family will travel to Ohio to be trained ourselves.  It will be a lot of hard work and waiting but Ann and I are giving it to God as He has never failed us yet.

If you would like to help we would be more than grateful.  This isn’t an expensive pet.  It’s going to be a way of life for Jordan.  A companion, a second set of eyes, a helper during emergencies, a search dog in case she goes missing, a seizure alert dog and many other helpful ways of making her life just a bit easier.

I ask that if you could, would you consider helping?  I’ve said many times since beginning this journey “I’ve worked hard all my life, I’ve donated my time and have helped people the best I can personally and in the ministry.  Now I’m asking for help.  I’m laying down my pride and asking.”

If you could, there are two things you can do.  Donate and share.

You can donate by going to a site I created for Jordan and do it online at

or you can mail a check to me.  Make payable to 4 Paws For Ability.  Mail it to Me at P.O. Box 422 Bimble, Ky.  40915

I will send it to  4 Paws and they will send you a tax deductible receipt for tax purposes.

The second thing you can do is share our story and journey through facebook, word of mouth, twitter etc…  Share that page and ask your friends and family to donate.

Follow Jordan on facebook at:

I appreciate any help you can offer but we really need funds.  If you think its to little to give, its not!!  Little is much when God is in it!

God bless and thank you in advance


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