4 Paws Training Day 9

Let’s see, today is um….Thurtomorrday?  I don’t know anymore.  The days are running into each other and I’m in information overload.  I had no idea there would be so much involved in service dog training but I have to say that 4-Paws for Ability has it down to an art.

Today we practiced the stand command.  This command basically tells the dog to stand where they’re at when stopping from heeling or getting up from setting or in a down position.  We also learned about the command “over”.  This command has the dog lay over the lap of the child.  This helps in many different ways depending on the child.  Some children need deep pressure to calm them down or give them some comfort and peace.  Others just enjoy the companionship of the dog laying on them so they can pet them.  It can also be a behavior distraction during sensory overload.  Did I say how cool these dogs are!

We went tracking again today and of course Flo did great.  This is probably the farthest we’ve tracked so far.  Everyone did great!  Even me!  My heart rate did good and I haven’t passed out yet during the runs, which is awesome!

For those who don’t know, I have SVT with a history of Ventricular Tachycardia.  My heart rate gets really fast, over 200 at times, then slows way down and causes me to keel over.  The Ventricular Tachycardia “V-tach” can be dangerous and sometimes cause sudden death and to say the least it’s very scary.

It makes you think of death for sure.  I’m not worried because I’ve got a peace that passes all earthly understanding.  This peace only comes from God through His Son Jesus Christ.  I know there is life after death.  Eternal life in heaven that only comes from Jesus Christ and Him alone.

With so much turmoil this life brings.  All the sickness, pain, suffering and tribulations we can have true peace through Jesus and I thank him for it.

Tomorrow we will be going back to the mall for the last time before our final test on Friday.  The test consists in us doing a public access run through in the mall.  The trainers will be following us one on one watching for us to use the obedience commands when needed, heeling and basic “service dog manners” while in public.

It’s been a long day so my family and I are going to rest and watch Maleficent.

Until next time,


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